Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What do people usually write about?

How do people decide what to write about? I think people write about what they read. If some people like to read horror books then they will write about horror books. Other people may like to read about romances so they will probably write about something romantic. 

I also think people write about what they like not just what they read. If you write about what you like it will always be true, but with your own little spin on things. To make any story your own you have to to put a spin on it. For example I like to play football and I have played since I was six years old. If I was to write a paper about football I would talk about all the great times I had on the field. I would not just talk about the rules of football.

Another bonus for writing about what you like is you will have more to say in your paper. People will not just be rambling on about something they have no clue about. People who write about what they like and what they know can always make a story unique in their own little way.In Stephen Kings book On Writing he says"Write about what you like, then imbue it with life and make it unique by blending in your own personal knowledge of life, friendship, relationships, and work" (King 161). Always remember to be unique and put your own little twist in what you write. No matter what you write about always feel confident about it.


  1. This blog post is great! I can absolutely relate to how you are feeling and the questions you have asked. I actually thought the same things and have drawn the same conclusions actually. Also, this blog post shows improvement of your writing skills. You have wonderful ideas and you have expressed them clearly.

  2. I agree that you said we have more to say in our own paper, and it is always true. While, reading is also important, we can learn more information and writing technics from the books. I think combining what we learn from books and our opinions should work better!

  3. From all your previous blog posts about writing, i have to say this is the one that's spot on. You really made some good points when you said that we have to be confident about are writing. this blog is a good one with great information.

  4. Dakota, you are right. Writing about what you know can help you get out more of what you would like to say. It is like you said, you would go more in detail on football because you enjoy football and can put a little extra in your writings. I really like how you quoted Stephen King in this post to help get your thoughts across.

  5. That is so true! You made a lot of great points. Writing about what you know and like makes writing easy. I know when I'm writing about something I like or know I have a lot to say. My thoughts and ideas flow together easily and is more interesting.

  6. Yeah, it definitely helps to write about things that you like or surround yourself with. That personal attachment gives it that extra gumption.

  7. I love this post Dakota! I also wonder how people choose what to write about. I also like how you used a quote from On Writing to relate to your blog post. I feel as though when you can relate to your writing then you can write for days on the subject. Your paper will be more appealing to the audience and you will also have fun while writing it.
